We also enter the system of accumulative discounts!
Discounts apply only to a subscription to the bulletin "Conjuncture of the markets" and only to those subscribers who place their price-lists in this edition.
To get a discount you should pay in time your accounts on a subscription (without formation of misses owing to delay of payment), in this case the accumulative discount starts to operate according to the period of your subscription since the second payment. If the conditions are not broken your discounts will be summarized at the further subscription.
Discounts are stipulated for the following subscription periods:
3 months - 2 %
6 months - 4%
9 months - 5%
12 months - 10%
but not more than 20%.
The discounts do not apply to those types of subscription when you receive our bulletin not every week, and also if you pay with the help of barter.
There are several variants of transition from one period of a subscription to another:
à) you had a long period of subscription, but now you want to get the shorter one - in this case your discount does not increase (you do not have a discount if you begin to pay monthly).
b) you had a short period of subscription, but you have decided to get the longer one - so your discount will increase for the size which the longer period has (you do not have a discount if you change the monthly subscription for the longer one).
"Conjuncture of the markets XXI century" - price-list on subscription
(in Roubles, taking into account VAT):